Category Mapping
The Category Mapping allows connecting store categories to shopping engine taxonomy. When inappropriate taxonomy selected, products are sold on wrong marketplace product sections.
What taxonomy is
Taxonomy is a list of categories and subcategories that are used for placing products. Each shopping engine has its taxonomy, and it may differ from the taxonomy of your store.
For example, in Google Shopping taxonomy such product as Sandals can be placed into the category "Apparel & Accessories > Shoes". However, in your store Sandals are attributed to category "Summer > Fashion".
A list of shopping engine collections is typically provided in a public file. For example, here are categories of Google Shopping taxonomy.
1. Create a new category mapping
Mapping allows setting shopping engine categories that best match your store's categories.
- In the store admin panel, navigate to Category Mapping > Create new.
2. Set the name and identifier
Configure identifiers for this category mapping:
- Set Name. Give any name for you to distinguish this category mapping from other category mappings;
- Set Unique identifier. Provide any string that consists of ASCII symbols and letters without spaces. You will used it to access this category mapping in the feed template. See the example below on how to use the category mapping in the feed.
Unique identifier usage example
To call a category mapping in the feed use its Unique identifier. Append the attr_ before the unique identifier name.
For example, you have created a category mapping for Google Shopping marketplace with a unique identifier google_shopping. In the feed template access this category mapping for product context as {{ product.attr_google_shopping }}
. To access the mapping for product variant use {{ variant.attr_google_shopping }}
- Check Active to enable the condition.
3. Set Taxonomy / Marketplace
- Set product category taxonomy for this mapping. Our app provides preinstalled taxonomies for Google Shopping, Awin, Grailed,, Favi, Fyndiq, Spartoo, Fruugo.
Use autocomplete functionality to simplify mapping categories. Type in several letters of the mapped category name, and our app will show the list of results from the taxonomy list.
Autocomplete searches in the taxonomy of the selected marketplace.
4. Set Category Mapping/Product Type Mapping
Map your products within the selected taxonomy by product category or product type. Choose one mapping type according to how products are organized in your store. See how products are organized (by category of by product type) in your store in the Product Organization block of the product page.
It is recommended to use Product Type Mapping since it provides exact product classification. A product can be of only one type, however a product can belong to multiple categories. Mapping by categories can lead to situation when product is placed into not the most suitable taxonomy's category.
The same T-Rex dinosaur figure belongs to categories: toys, presents, hobby. If the figure is placed into the hobby category "4986 - Arts & Entertainment > Hobbies & Creative Arts > Arts & Crafts > Art & Craft Kits > Toy Craft Kits" on Google Shopping it will be sold next to completely unrelated product types.
Mulwi Shopping Feeds simplifies category mapping by making the process as simple as selecting from a drop-down menu.
- Set Default category. This is a shopping engine category that will be used to place uncategorized products of your store;
- Select for each category/product type of your store a corresponding shopping engine category;
- See the number of yet unmapped categories of your store on the indicator.
5. Validate and preview mapping results
- Press Validate & preview to see the preview of the results for this specific dynamic condition.
How to use Category Mapping
Category mapping usage is slightly different for preinstalled and customized templates.
Preinstalled feed template
If the preinstalled template for the marketplace you need has PRODUCT CATEGORY / COLLECTION block - you need to set category mapping for this feed:
Choose Static Value if your products belong to one product category.
Select Dynamic Mapping if you have multiple product categories.
- You need to create a category mapping when using Dynamic Mapping. Select this created mapping from the list in Dynamic Mapping.
Some preinstalled feed templates do not require category mapping, for example Shopping24 or Webgains. They do not have a PRODUCT CATEGORY / COLLECTION block.
Customized feed template
Create a category mapping. Learn about Liquid Objects as they will be used to access this mapping in the customized feed template.
Within product variant context access the mapping as {{ variant.attr_XXX }}
. Use {{ product.attr_XXX }}
to access within product context. Replace XXX with the mapping unique identifier you have set on Step 2.
For example, here is how a mapping named google_shopping is accessed in customized XML feed template:
<g:google_product_category><![CDATA[{{ variant.attr_google_shopping }}]]></g:google_product_category>
The same mapping accessed in customized CSV feed template:
google_product_category :: {{ variant.attr_google_shopping }}
Using {{ variant.attr_google_shopping }}
you access product categories by their names. Use {{ variant.attr_google_shopping_id }}
to access the product categories by their ID. Replace google_shopping with unique identifier of your mapping.
For example, in Google Shopping taxonomy the category Arts & Entertainment > Event Tickets has an ID 499969.