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Create a new product feed

A product feed is a text file that has all the data about your store's products (names, SKUs, prices, URLs, images, etc.). A feed is used to quicky upload the latest product information to the sales channel.

Mulwi has ready-to-use prebuilt feed templates for various online sales channels. These templates already include all the necessary and recommended attributes. You can simply create a feed from a prebuilt template and get a perfect feed in just a few minutes.

If you want to build every line of your feed's template yourself, you can create a custom feed.

Create a feed from a prebuilt template


This page provides a more general overview of the feed creation process.

For some of the most popular sales channels, we've prepared detailed setup guides that cover all the nuances of creating a product feed for that specific channel. If you plan to sell on these channels, we recommend that you check these guides instead.

To create a product feed from Mulwi's prebuilt template, follow these steps:

  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Mulwi Feeds > Feeds.
  2. Click Add Feed.
  3. Enter the desired channel's name in the input field in the Find the feed you need block.
  4. Select the situation you're facing from the options below and follow the instructions inside.
There's a Create button next to the necessary template

In this case, you can quickly set up a product feed yourself. Here's what you should do next:

  1. Click the Create button next to the feed template you need.
  2. Set the feed's status in the This feed is currently block to Active.
  3. Fill in the general feed information:
    • Feed Internal Name. Give your feed a descriptive name.
    • Filename. Give your feed file a unique name.
    • Max Number of Items per File. Limit the amount of products in the feed.
    • Compression. Compress the feed file if necessary.
    • Protect feed with password. Password-protect your feed if necessary.
  4. In the Applied Filters section, you can use product filters to choose what products should be included in the feed.
  5. Fill out the Template section. Most of the times you'll only need to pick appropriate values for the channel's required attributes, but for some channels, you'll also need to map your collections to the channel's taxonomy.
  6. In the Source of prices section, you can set product prices from Markets and Price Lists.
  7. In the Stock Locations section, select from which locations you want to include stock levels and availability information.
  8. In the Translation section, you can select a language to translate your feed into.
  9. Configure the Google Analytics section if you have an analytics campaign.
  10. Click Save to finish and generate the feed.

You won't be able to change the Filename after you save the feed.

There's a Request feed button next to the necessary template

For some channels, feeds require additional configuration for each specific store.
In this case, you can simply ask our support team to set up a feed for you. Here's what you should do next:

  1. Click the Request feed button next to the feed template you need.
  2. Fill out the contact form with your request details.
  3. Click Submit.

Our support team will write you back as quickly as possible.

I didn't find the right template

We work tirelessly to add support for as many sales channels as possible.
If yours isn't supported yet, you can ask our team to create a personalized feed template for you. To send us a request, here's what you should do next:

  1. Click the Ask to create button in the Feed by our team block.
  2. Fill out the contact form with your request details.
  3. Click Submit.

Our support team will write you back as quickly as possible.

Alternatively, if you know the channel's feed requirements and want to control every aspect of your feed, you can create a custom feed yourself.

Create a custom feed

To create a custom product feed, follow these steps:

Steps for creating a custom product feed in Mulwi
  1. In your Shopify admin, go to Apps > Mulwi Feeds > Feeds.
  2. Click Add Feed.
  3. Find the Custom feed block and click the Create button in it.
  4. Configure your feed's main settings:
    • Feed Format. Select the feed's file format. Note that if you choose XML, you won't be able to change the format later.
    • Content Type. Choose whether the feed should include product variants or only products.
  5. Click Create.
  6. Set the feed's status in the This feed is currently block to Active.
  7. Fill in the general feed information:
    • Feed Internal Name. Give your feed a descriptive name.
    • Filename. Give your feed file a unique name.
    • Max Number of Items per File. Limit the amount of products in the feed.
    • Compression. Compress the feed file if necessary.
    • Protect feed with password. Password-protect your feed if necessary.
  8. In the Applied Filters section, you can use product filters to choose what products should be included in the feed.
  9. Skip the Template section for now: you can't customize your template until you save the feed.
  10. In the Source of prices section, you can set product prices from Markets and Price Lists.
  11. In the Stock Locations section, select from which locations you want to include stock levels and availability information.
  12. In the Translation section, you can select a language to translate your feed into.
  13. Configure the Google Analytics section if you have an analytics campaign.
  14. Click Save to finish and generate the feed.

What's next?

Good job, you've created a product feed! You can already use it as it is, but if you want to further personalize it, Mulwi has many powerful feed customization features.

With the perfect feed at hand, it's now time to conquer new sales channels! We've prepared handy setup guides that'll walk you through the key steps.