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1. Connect your store to Rakuten

Connecting your store to Rakuten is executed through a respective account on its platform.

Register an account

In order to create a Rakuten advertiser account, you must send a connection request to Rakuten's support team by filling out this contact form.

Afterwards, wait for Rakuten's reply to schedule a call.
Once you meet with Rakuten's team and agree on your cooperation, they will create a new advertiser account and give you the credentials for it.

Build your advertiser profile

You log in to your advertiser account by choosing Login > Affiliate Advertiser on the Rakuten Advertising website.

Next, you must complete your profile and affiliate program details.
Without a complete profile, publishers won't be able to find and work with you.

To finish setting up your account, go to the Account tab on your dashboard and fill out the Contact Information and Advertiser Settings sections. If necessary, you can also go to the Offers tab on the dashboard and create special offers for your affiliates.

2. Create the product feed

To upload your products to Rakuten, you need to create and configure a product feed. To do that, log in to your Shopify store admin and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Apps > Mulwi Feeds > Feeds.
  2. Click Add Feed to generate the new feed.
  3. Choose the Rakuten feed template. The feed is created in CSV format.
  4. Set feed's status in the This feed is currently block to Active.
  5. Fill in the general feed information:
    • Feed Internal Name. Give your feed a descriptive name.
    • Filename. Give your feed file a unique name.
    • Max Number of Items per File. Limit the amount of products in the feed.
    • Compression. Compress the feed file if necessary.
    • Protect feed with password. Leave unchecked.
  6. In the Applied Filters section, you can use product filters to choose what products should be included in the feed.
  7. Fill in the Template section:
    • Rakuten Categorization. Here, you map your categories to the Google Product Taxonomy that Rakuten uses. If your products have the same category, use Static Category. Start typing the category name or ID and choose the appropriate category from the dropdown menu. For multiple categories, set your own taxonomy with Dynamic Mapping.
    • Attributes. Pick appropriate values for Rakuten's required attributes.
  8. In the Source of prices section, you can set product prices from Markets or Price Lists.
  9. In the Stock Locations section, select from which locations you want to include stock levels and availability information.
  10. In the Translation section, you can select a language to translate your feed into.
  11. Configure the Google Analytics section if you have an analytics campaign.
  12. Click Save changes to finish and generate the feed.

You won't be able to change the Filename after you save the feed.

After saving the new feed, you can customize it if necessary.

3. Upload the feed to Rakuten

You can upload your feed to Rakuten via URL (HTTPS).

To do that, log in to your Rakuten advertiser account and follow these steps:

  1. Go to Links > Product Links.
  2. Click Import Product Links.
  3. Fill out your feed details and provide the feed link from Mulwi.
Where do I find the feed link?

To get the feed URL from the Mulwi Shopping Feeds app, navigate to the feed you want to upload, find the Feed block and click the Copy feed URL button in it. The feed link will be copied to your clipboard.

  1. Click the Upload button to finish and upload the feed.